48 Middle Street, South Boston
This property has 3 units, each units has three-bedroom, one-bathroom and all of the units are fully leased through 8/31/21. Property is right around the corner from the Andrew Square T-Station, just a few stops from downtown Boston. Property is a solid three-family property with good bones including a full basement with coin-operated laundry. All units have recently renovated kitchens, large living rooms and two large bedrooms plus a third which is smaller. Each units also includes rear porches which make it a desirable rental/income property. No parking included or available.
Income: Property generates $8,700/ month.
Price: $1,5290,000.
Property Disclosure: Three separately metered heating systems in basement will require replacement. Property has no public electric meter. Property is sold ‘AS-IS'. Compass as Exclusive Broker.
Andrew Square t-Station